Friday, October 4, 2019

SAUDI NIGHT Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SAUDI NIGHT - Research Paper Example I am thankful that I attended the event because I did not just have fun but I really enjoyed it a lot. I was able to make new friends and enjoy the dancing and singing with them. I really felt that my homesickness was soothed a bit because I felt like I went home with all the Arabian dance performed and language spoken and traditional food served during the event. It helped me a lot with the transition to MSU because I felt assured there will be people who will assist me in the school. The old students I met reassured me that they will give me the assistance they have been given during their early years in the school and the new students shared their own experiences, expectations and fears which made me aware that I am not alone in the challenges I am facing. In the future, I will attend such event again to show the same welcoming spirit to newcomers and become a good example like those who has shown me good. Moreover, if I will be given the chance to attend other national events, I will find time because I want to meet more new friends and learn about other

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